Fri 21/08/20 – Extension of COVID-19 Emergency Relief Provisions

Yesterday afternoon the Victorian Government announced an extension of eviction Moratorium law until 31 December “…to provide greater certainty to tenants and landlords.”  

The Press Release notes further forthcoming relief from an additional 25% Land Tax reduction and a grant of up to $3,000 to qualifying landlords, though this was more residential than commercial focused.

The Property Council Press Release received within an hour of the Victorian Government’s announcement was more specific, noting the intention to extend the Commercial Tenancy Relief Scheme, prohibiting commercial tenant evictions and rent increases until 31 December.

Other than to advise the State Government’s intention to extend existing legislation to 31 December, we are unable to be more specific at this time. We expect further information will be provided during the coming weeks.

Thank you for your ongoing support. Should you have queries or matters to discuss at any stage, please do not hesitate to contact us on 03 9654 8666.

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Melbourne VIC 3000