Wed 7/08/20 – 25 Years

Hi all,

Just an update from Gross Waddell Residential. We’re very pleased to advise that Gross Waddell is 25 years old this year, a great milestone in any business. You must be doing something right.

We pride ourselves on our mantra, “Better Property Thinking”.

This thinking provides the service and results our clients require, and we believe we can continually exceed their expectations.

The market for commercial property remains strong and yields remain crisp.

The residential property development market is trying to bounce back. We believe the banks are yet to come to the party. Once credit restrictions begin to lift there will soon be demand and growth again. The Morrison Government being returned to power in May 2019 certainly stopped any further fall in the market.

We believe confidence in this market sector will return once finance is available again.

We have specialised in the Melbourne property market for 25 years now. We know Melbourne and have seen property cycles turn and we hope you will find our experience invaluable.

Please call us if you wish to discuss your property needs.

Kind regards,

Richard Cookesley

03 9654 8666 | D: 03 9947 5822
D: 0488 756 222 | E:

Level 1, 30 Collins Street
Melbourne VIC 3000